My husband gave me an apple Nike watch for my birthday and the first Sunday morning with it on my wrist, it pinged. I looked down at it and read something like, “68,000 people have already run this morning. Are we gonna run?” Are you kidding me? This was around 7:00 in the morning. That many people have already run?
“Yes, I’m running today,” I said to the watch with gusto.
After church I hit the start button and was off running, I heard a voice from my watch say something like “Whoo hoo! We’re glad you’re running!” So was I with this watch that cheered me on! Apparently Nike had a 3.1 mile run scheduled for Sundays and towards the end of that stretch a voice said, “you’re almost there, kick it in for a strong finish.” By golly I kicked it in and when I hit the 3.1 set mileage all kinds of cheering came from my watch. I loved that! I had planned a longer run so I kept on. After the next mile a voice said, “Ah, running the victory lap are ya? You keep going with your bad self.” Awesome!
I loved having my own personal cheerleader encourage me along the way. But, even when I’m not running and I don’t hear the voice from my watch, I have Jesus with me. Why is that so hard for me to remember at times? I’ll plod throughout the day as if I’m on my own, stressing over decisions, getting angry when the day isn’t going as I’d planned, worrying over things I have no control over. I’ll get easily flustered, easily angered, easily stressed, and end up being wound as tight as a stretched out rubber band ready to snap at the next person who looks at me the wrong way.
It’d be nice to have Jesus ping on my watch and say, “68,000 people have talked to me today. Are we gonna talk? Or 68,000 people have trusted me today. Are you?”
He’s always waiting patiently. All I need to do is call on Him. It’s not even a start button that I need to hit. Just a mere whisper of His name and He’s there as more than just a cheerleader. He’s promised to be my comforter when I’m scared, a companion when I’m lonely, my peace when I’m stressed, my consoler when I’m sad, my source of joy throughout the day, my counselor in decisions, my conscience in temptations, my guide when I’m lost. He’s the lover of my soul even when I’m not acting very lovable. He’s my running companion guiding my thoughts, my inspiration to write, to smile, to help and serve. He’s my hope, my joy, my peace.
I love this watch. It pings throughout the day reminding me to breathe deeply, to stand, or update me on my exercise progress through the day. It pings when I have a message and rings when my phone rings. Maybe with every ping and ring of my watch, I’ll imagine it’s Jesus saying, “Time to remember me! Talk to me!”
I’ll hope I’m part of the first 68,000 people to have talked to Him each day. And I’ll hit the day running with my bad self and my good Jesus.
But the counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. Peace I leave with you. John 14:26-27
Great post, Jill. I’m especially glad I don’t have to remember to press any buttons to get His attention 🙂